How to make money from website traffic (Full Guide)

Many of you might know that a website having a ton of traffic would generate great income. There are many people making money from website traffic.

How do they get money from website traffic ? There are many ways for generating a good income from your website traffic.

You might have heard about Google Adsense. It is a highly paying add program. But that’s not the only way to earn money from website. Today I will share some incredible ways to make money from your website traffic.

So let’s jump into those.

Ways to make money from website traffic

  1. Affiliate Marketing
  2. Online Advertising
  3. Create and sell your own digital product
  4. Freelancing
  5. Creating and Selling websites
  6. Writing sponsored blog post
  7. E-commerce website
  8. Email marketing
  9. Sell Online courses on your website
  10. Sell an Audio book
  11. Display Pop up ads on your website

Making money from website is simple. Some methods mentioned in this post need a lot of traffic to implement. Follow these ways so that you can monetize your website perfectly.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing-make money from website traffic

Affiliate marketing is a way of earning money by promoting others products and services. Here, you will get commission if someone buy the product through your link. You just have to promote the product on your website and introduce it to your audience. It is done by adding banners of their product on your website, adding the product links in the articles, etc.. Monitizing your website with affiliate marketing can generate a good amount. The commission depends upon the affiliate program you joined. Make sure you promote products related to your niche. You cant promote hosting, domain etc.. on a tech niche site. Promote products on your niche, like you could promote gadgets, laptops, smart phones etc.. if your niche is tech.

Exceptional case: If any topic of your article you wrote has a need for hosting or domain then you could promote those, although it is not on your niche. For example if your website is on “programming” niche you can promote hosting if you are having an article about creating a self coded website or something which need hosting.

Affiliate marketing can be the best way to earn money from website traffic. There are products for everything nowadays and most of them have an affiliate program. You just need to refer them in your article and if people buy it from your link you will get money. But making someone buy just because you recommend can be hard. This needs trust. Your readers shoudl trust you. You should not promote products just because they pay more. You should try the product or atleast do a deep research about it and make sure it’s good for buying.

There are a ton of affiliate programs out there. You just have to google and find it. I will share some favourites of mine.

1. Amazon associates

amazon affiliate program.

Amazon associates is the affiliate program of amazon. It allows bloggers and website owners to create links and earn commission if they generate sales. It is a great affiliate program, which you can use for generating income from your website.

Amazon affiliate would be suitable for most niches because there is a ton of products on amazon. For example if your niche is about decorating house etc.. then you could promote products like bonsai plant, statues, house decorating stuffs, flower pots etc.. on your website. You could search on amazon and find products to promote. But you cant use amazon affiliate on blogging or Seo related niche sites. On those niches you could promote hosting, domain, digital products, etc..


In amazon affiliate, you will get commission between 5% to 30%. It depends on the price of the product you promoted and sold. If you promoted a highly priced laptop or phone and someone bought it through your link you will get 20% to 30% of that products price.

2. Commission Junction (CJ affiliate)

It is one of the largest affiliate network in the world. Cj affliate is a great affliate network in which you can find thousands of products to promote. If you join cj affiliate you can join in all affiliate programs in it. Namecheap affliate program is on Cj affiliate. You can find many other affliate programs in cj affliate. It is free to join Cj affliate but you have to be atleast 18 years old and should have a website to join as a publisher.

Commission junction affiliate network

Cj affliate pays within 20 days of the end of the month. Commissions from all programs are put together in one account.

By joining commission junction affiliate network your can apply for best worpress hostings, godady, and many other affiliate programs and earn money by promoting quality products on your website.

3. Bluehost affiliate program

bluehost affiliate program

Bluehost is one of the largest website hosting provider. It has an affiliate program which is the highest paying affiliate program. It is very popular and many website owners promote bluehost hosting. I would suggest you to join bluehost affiliate because it is a good hosting to promote and it pays publishers more than other companies for every sale. The hosting speed is excellent and it worth promoting.

Payment details

Now let’s talk about commission ! Bluehost commission rate is starting at 65$ per sale. You can earn up-to 120$ per sale your generate in bluehost. To get your first payment, you will have to make at least 2 qualified sales. The payment is generally done between 16th – 31st of every month. Bluehost pays commission through PayPal masspay.

Hundreds and thousands of websites are created in every single day. Hosting and domain is an essential thing for creating website. Therefore promoting hosting is a great choice. With bluehost affiliate you can double your income or earn money from your website.

2. Online Advertising

Online advertising-make money from website traffic

Here comes ad programs like Adsense,, Pop ads etc.. Online advertising means displaying ads and banner on your website and you will get paid for every impression. Oh ! are you thinking what do you mean by an impression ? An impression is when an ad is fetched from its source and is countable. Means when an ad or banner on your website been loaded, you will get paid. User need not to click on them. So if you have a ton of traffic it would be amazing ! If your website is new and you want your articles on search results you should practise some basic SEO techniques. Feel free to check out my article on “Seo tips for a brand new website“.

1. Google Adsense

Adsense is an ad service provided by google. It has been a bad dream for many people, because they get rejected by Adsense. There are some things you should do in your blog to get aproved by Adsense. Feel free to check out my blog post on it.

If you got approved by adsense then you can display ads on your blog and earn money. As i said it is highly paying and you get paid for impressions.

Payment details

How much will you earn with Adsense

Look, Adsense payment depend on many factors. It depends on the country your website is getting traffic from, the niche of your website, and so on. For Impressions, commissions are less. But it depends on the niche. If the niche have high CPC then you will get more money. The commission per click can range from 0.15$ to 20$. The rate of payment per view varies between 0.10$ to 0.30$.

Hmm, Good deal right !

2. adsense alternative

Best Adsense alternative ! is a address service provided by Microsoft that shows ads based on the content on the web page. Publishers can monitize their website traffic by showing ads by on their website. The advertisers pay for showing ads. It is best Adsense alternative because it is second most highly paying ad service.

Payment details pays about 5$ per 1000 impressions. So if you run 4 ads on a page and the page got 1000 views, you will earn about 20$. Awesome right ! But wait, don’t run too much ads on your website. It will hurt user experience. 3 ads per page is more than enough. What would you do if you have entered in a spammy website with lots of ads ? Obviously you will click back and go for another website and that’s affect ranking of the page on the SERP.

3. Create and sell your own digital product

Create a digital product and make money from website traffic

Digital products is something that is sold online. In my opinion creating and selling your own product is best way of earning money. Some examples of digital products are ebooks, online tools, audio books, plugins, etc..

You have to create something which everyone wanna buy. First thing for succeeded on selling digital products is trust. The readers of your blog should trust you. You have to build it. Promotion play very important role in selling digital products.

Create a digital product that solve a problem in you industry. It can be a small problem or big one. That is the key to sell a digital product.

There is no problem in creating a digital product that is aldready there. But you should make your’s much better than the others. If you want people to buy your product and not your competitors, there must be a lot of difference in your product from the others. You should add features that other dont provide and might have to price it low sometimes.

If you are thinking of creating a plugin or some online tool, you can buy one and sell it on your website. You may not be a developer for creating it by yourself. So you can buy one. There are many websites which create and sell tools.

Codecanyon is a website which sell products and plugins online. You can check out. Or another option is to higher a freelancer. Go and find one freelancer and tell them your need. Fiverr is a freelancing platform. You can find and hire a freelancer there. Pay them and they will finish your work.

Now you can sell the product on your website. Promote it on sociala medias. And if people found your product, usefull they will buy it.

An ebook is also a great digital product. You wont be having any expenses. All you should have is amazing content in your ebook. It should be very useful for readers. You can write ebook about the niche of your website and sell it on your website, Amazon kindle, Google play books anywhere on the web. While writing ebook make sure it is the best on that nihe. Make it better than the competitors.

4. Freelancing

Make money from website traffic through freelancing

Create a hire me page. If someone is looking for writers for their blog and if they like your content, they will hire you. That way you can earn money for each article you write for them.

A hire me page or a widget in the sidebar grabs their attention and if they want someone one to write article, they will contact you through it. If your blog audience is large then many people will ask you for writing one article for them.

It is a great way of earning money from website and you can decide a price for each artcle. Freelancing network like fiverr, freelancer, etc take service charge from the money you get from your customer.

Utilizing your blog traffic for freelance work is great idea. You will get whole money for the work. On your hire me page mention your skills, what you can do etc.. You can also take works other than writing article for other websites.

In your hire me page, mention what all works you will do, what all skills you have. You can do things like designing websites, devolope softwares(if you know), any skill you have. So if someone in audience wanted a person to do any of those work you mentioned, he will contact.

5. Creating and Selling websites

The next way of makking money from website traffic is selling your website(if you like). If your website have a ton of traffic, by selling you can earn a big amount for once. If you like to do this you can make it a habbit. You can create websites and bring some traffic to it and sell it for certain amount.

There are lots of people doing this but i wont recommend. For selling a website you need atleast 3k to 4k traffic per month. A website having that much traffic can grow instantly and will make more money over time. Selling it might earn you a big amount for once but working on it and posting amazing content on it will earn you more money consistently for a long period of time. Its just matter of time. You have to wait more.

6. Writing sponsored blog post

Make money from website traffic by writing sponsored posts

Sponsored post is a great way to make more money from website traffic. Set up a sponsor page. That way you can get other companies sponsor you. For getting sponsor, website traffic is very important. And you should build an engaging community. You should reply to all comments on your blog and engage with them in social medias.

For example let’s say you have a website about reviewing games and gaming gadgets. The company’s producing those gadget’s would love to introduce their products to such an engaging community. So they ask you to review their product and they will pay you. To get sponsor, look at your competitors blog and which company is sponsoring them. Email that company saying you have a website with this much traffic etc… if they like your website they will sponsor.

Note : Don’t go and email company’s without a quality traffic on your website. You wont get sponsor. They will just ignore your email.

One more note : Use no follow tag in your sponsored posts.

7. E-commerce website

Here i mean creating an e-commerce website as subset of your website. This works if you have a ton of traffic with more engagement.

E-commerce website is a website for buying and selling goods online. First you have to create an e-commerce website and sell your products. Promote this on your website. And allow other people to put their products on your e-commerce website. You have invest some money in this because this can be taken as large scale business.

People visiting your site must know that you have an e-commerce site. You have to give a mass promotion by creating banners etc.. Sell products on your niche. If the e-commerce website becomes a succes you will make a lot of money and others will put their digital products on your website. Thus it becomes a large scale business.

But as i said this need some investment and lots of traffic on your blog(then only people know about this website). And this will take some time to succeed.

8. Email marketing

make money through email marketing

Email marketing is a technique to sell off products or services. You cannot make money from an email list. But you can get your email subscribers to buy your product/service and thereby you can make money.

They say,

“Money is on the list”.

It’s not necessary that you need your own digital product or service for marketing. You can promote affiliate products on emails.

Providing your own service would be better in my opinion. Email marketing has been a successful way to promote products for many blogs and companies. So a big email list is very much valuable. Email list is a collection of emails you receive from a blog/website. 


What to do to collect emails ?

You get emails of people when they sign up for your email newsletter or something which requires email. After reading your content if readers find it helpful and want to hear more from you they will sign up for your newsletter. So make sure you display a newsletter widget in the sidebar of pages in which people are more likely to visit (eg: blog post, home page).

All you need to do is create a newsletter widget. You can do this either by using email marketing tools like mailchimp or using wordpress plugins.

MailChimp - email marketing tool

If you create an account in MailChimp, you will get a html code of your email newsletter. You just need to paste it wherever you want to display the newsletter. What they will do is they store email that they receive from your website and you can send email to all of those people at one time from their dashboard.. Up to 2000 emails can be stored for free in mail chimp. After that limit you have to go for the premium. 

So you have a newsletter, now what !. Add a compelling title to the newsletter. Mention about your newsletter in your blog post and wherever possible. Tell them what benefit it will be for them if they sign up for it. You cannot spam on those emails. 

Write emails to them promoting your article which contain affiliate links or provide information/news in the niche of your website and add affiliate links if possible. If you provide a service or product you can inform updates about it through the newsletter.

Always remember,

“First you should provide value to people. Then think about making money out of it.”

So this way you can utilize website traffic to make money.

9. Sell Online courses on your website

Create an online course on your niche. It is not possible on every niche but you can make definitive guide on your niche. If your website is about teaching something then you can make so many courses and sell online. You can create a page for this. Put all your courses there. The course should be worthy for buying. It should contain all information on that topic. It should be interesting and should be promoted everywhere on the web.

Online courses can be video or text. If its video then embed it in your web page. If it’s text based then write the content as usual. I think video would be more selling because video content are easy to consume. You can create video and add it your couse page. If you are selling course for free, then you can display ads on the sidebar of the page. These way you can make money from the tarffic that come to the website. If it’s premium course then don’t display ads because they paid for it and should have the premium quality.

Some tips to create videos :

  • Create videos that explain everything on the topic
  • Include animations and everything to make video interesting
  • Make it the best content on your niche
  • The video player you use should have skipping facilities, volume up down and all
  • Add an attractive design to the page in which you add videos

My advice if you are selling online course is that dont make the customer regret buying it. Add as much as value possible so that they will buy more from you.

If you want me to help you set up your online course page , feel free to contact 😊. We provide services for this.

10. Sell an Audiobook

Audio books are more effective than eBook. It is a recording of a book being read out loud. If you write an eBook i would suggest you to make an audio version of it. Content is not always text. People would buy audio book more than an eBook because they don’t have to read it. They can do other works listening to an audio book. Most people cast it on Alexa or Google assistant. It is more easy for them if it is an audio book. So audio books may sell off more than eBooks.

Here my tips to make an audio book :

  • First listen to an audio book. You cant create an amazing audio book if you haven’t listened to one. It can help you get an idea how audio books are. Listen to 1 or 2 audio books in your topic.
  • Then write the content. Write a compelling deep content with every piece of information. Use examples to explain your points. Write like you heard in other audio books.
  • Now make the audio version of the written content. To do this, there are two ways. You can either hire someone with good voice to read it and record the voice or use a text to speech tool. There are so many tools for making text to speech with different voice. You use a good voice and just download the audio file.
  • Now sell the audio book on your website. Promote it everywhere. If you like you can sell the written content as an eBook. So you will have two products to sell. Those who are comfortable with reading book will buy eBook and other will buy the audio book

11. Display Pop up ads on your website

Pop up ads are advertisements which pops up when user click something on your website. You might have seen this in many websites. Using pop up ads you could make more money but it will hurt the user experience.

Annoying pop up ads

Imagine You entered a website looking for information about something and there comes the pop up ads. It would be extremely annoying and most people click back and go for next search result. It will affect your rankings badly. So i personally don’t recommend pop up ads. But you can set it in a way that it wont hurt user experience like placing it were users don’t come much(but it should get impressions). Ads popping up when clicking on your blog post would be extremely annoying.

Let’s look at an info graphic to recap main things from this article.

ways to make money from website traffic-info graphic

Like this infographics ! Feel free to embed it on your blog post.

Copy the html code below and paste it on “custom html” block in your wordpress editor.

<a rel="dofollow" href=""><center><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-1381" width="455" height="1135"/></center>


These are some awesome ways to make money from your website traffic. In fact i earn money from my other websites through these ways. Which one are gonna try first ? applying for Ad sense ? or selling digital product ? Let me know in the comments.


What is affiliate marketing ?

Affiliate marketing is a way of earning money by promoting others products and services. Here, you will get commission if someone buy the product through your link.

How much can i earn from website traffic ?

It totally depend on the way you monetize your website and traffic. If it is monetized correctly you can earn more money. A successful website can make above $1000 for sure. More website traffic bring you more money.

What is sponsored blog post ?

Blog post that you write promoting a product of some company which in return pay you. This is called sponsored post. Sponsored post is not like review. You can only point out the benefits of the product.

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