IF you have money to invest on blogging you can buy hosting and domain and start a blog. But what if you don’t have money to invest ? And having a situation like I had. Starting a free blog is an option for you but earning money from it is not simple as we say.
You need to put your effort in it. Then definitely you will get your result. I will share my experience with free blog.
When i was in school, i came to know about blogging and earning money online. I wanted to create one but i didnt have money to invest in blogging.
Buying a hosting and domain was not practical for me as a student. So i started searching how to start a free blog and i heard about Blogger platform provided by Google.
I created Many websites in blogger on different niches. In Blogger the domain was (Your Website Name)+blogspot.com. It was a lengthy one. But no problem. You have option to buy domain.
If you have money to invest in domain you can buy it. I didnt buy it. I wrote many blog post. Improved my skills and seo.
After many months of Hard work the blog started gaining traffic and i got approved by Google Adsense. I started getting little earning from my free blog.
Afterwards i created this blog with some investment to help you guys grow your website.
So in this article i will show you how to start a free blog and different ways of monetizing your free blog.
And if you have money to invest in blogging i would suggest you to create wordpress website with hosting and domain because it is better. So let’s see how to start a free blog.
How to start a free blog on blogger ?
Blogger is a free platform provided by Google for creating websites. Everyone might have heard about it. Here you can create beautiful blog in seconds with no hosting or domain. Your website domain name will be subset of blogger, that is at end you will be having .blogspot.com. You can purchase .com, .in etc…
Steps to start a free blog on blogger
Creating blog on blogger is very simple. Follow these steps.

- Click on “CREATE YOUR BLOG”. After clicking on it you have to choose Google account in which you are going to create your blog. Then you have to choose the Tittle for your blog.

- Choose a good Title for your blog. Pick a Title related to your niche and you can proceed. Click next.

- Choose URL for your blog. The tittle of your blog must be in the url. For example if your website is about pets and your title is Pets World, then your url should be petsworld.blogspot.com. There are some points you should look when you name your website and URL. As you read through this article you will get it.

- That’s all. Your free blog has been created. Now you are in the blogger dashboard. You can start designing and writing articles for your website. Here, the title of my blog is Example. You can choose your own title. By reading this article full you will get to know how to choose the Title, domain etc..
Click on “View blog” in the dashboard so you can see your website. At first your website will look like the image given below. You can change your Template in Theme tab in your dashboard.

Choosing niche (topic) for your blog
Hope you have understood how to start a free blog on blogger.
The next question in your mind will be, about what topic should i write articles in it.
Let me help you. I will give some tips for choosing topic for your blog.
And its very important because the growth of your website depends on the niche you choose.

You should think about many aspects for choosing niche.
First thing is your interest on that topic. You should choose a niche in which you are expertised or interested in.
It makes you keep posting on your website. If you choose a money making niche in which you are not much interested, you will not continue writing blog post.
You will get bored. At first your blog wont get much traffic. But you have to keep going and improve your skills.
While choosing niche you should also look the competition on that niche.
If it is too competitive i would suggest not to pick that niche because it will be hard to out rank big websites for a beginner.
Micro niches
Micro niche websites are websites which are very small and focus on very tiny, specific topic. It would earn much traffic and income but you should choose your micro niche wisely. It shouldn’t be too small. I mean, it should have some search volume. You can check search volume by using online tools like ubersuggest, ahrefs, or SEMrush.

For example If you are creating website on “Health”, it will be very competitive.
Many authoritative websites would be there ranking high on google. It shouldn’t be a beginner’s choice.
But if you choose a specific topic on health as niche for your whole website it would be less competitive.
For example you could choose fitness and weight loss or healthy diets as your niche. It is more specific to particular topic on a big niche.
“Health” is very competitive and many blog are there about it and you will not get traffic.
If you take a specific topic on health as niche for your whole website it will be easy to rank high on google and get traffic. So that’s all about micro niche.
Choosing name and domain for your website
Ok ! now you have an idea of what niche to choose for your blog. Then comes your domain name and title of blog.
You could either buy domain or use the free blogspot.com.
You should choose a Tittle that is related to your niche and try to choose your blog domain same as your title. It would be better.
Your Tittle should be :
- Easy to remember
- Should not be too Lengthy
- Should make some sense

.blogspot.com advantages
The advantage of .blogspot.com is it’s a free domain. If you dont have money to invest on blogging it is very helpful.
If you’re are a student or new to blogging you could get started with free domain.
You could learn things and get experienced on blogging using free domain.
.blogspot.com disadvantages
If your are choosing blogspot.com domain now, and planning to buy .com when your website earn money, i don’t think it’s a good idea !
Because when your website ranks on blogspot.com and gains domain authority, then you buy a domain, google treats the new domain as new website.
So your ranking will definitely go down but you can maintain your blog traffic by redirecting the blogspot.com url to the new one.
It could maintain your traffic but google ranking and domain authority will be zero.
It takes time for Google to understand that both websites are same. And it’s a huge SEO issue.
Next thing is that people with domain name ranks before you. Chances of ranking in google are less for blogspot.com domains. There are websites which ranks with blogspot.com domain but it is better to have at least a domain name.
Without even a domain name it would be very difficult for ranking in google. You may rank for very very less competitive keywords but, you know thousands of blogs with domain are created every day on the web.
Almost everything, every topic, even which have a little search volume would be covered by others. So it’s becoming much competitive.
Anyway you could buy domain in less than $1.36 (₹100) on black Friday and cyber Monday offers. Namecheap provides domain in very low price on cyber Monday and black friday. If you buy domain on these days, you will get it on very low price. After one year you have to renew your domain. At that time, you wont get the offer. But you could make your blog successful and earn money within one year if you work on it constantly. If there is no offer also Namecheap provides domains in low price than other companies. I bought my domain from Namecheap and i would suggest it to you.
Creating good content for your blog
Here comes the main part. After all your designing work and every other stuff on your website, it’s time to write articles on your blog.
You have to produce quality content for your website. Your website performance depends on your content.
Write good articles about the niche you choose. Try to make your articles lengthy. The minimum words required is 300.
But i would recomend you to write articles of more than 1000 words. It ranks better on Google.
Your article should provide every information about the topic you took for writing blog post.

For example, You have a blog about helath. You decided to write about healthy foods in summer.
So you should provide everything about the topic to user. If you are suggesting to eat watermelon and drink a lot of water you have to say about the benefits of doing so.
Tell about the vitamins and other stuffs about health. The thing is the person reading your blog post should get information about everything on that topic.
Concentrate on providing user all information about the topic. If you make users happy Google will be happy and rank your articles.
You could check out our article on how to write a perfect blog post.
After reading it, you will get to know how to write a perfect blog post that will rank on the SERP.
Tip : Take less time for designing works and spend more time on writing good articles for your website. Your website design is important too.
Earning money from your blog

There are many ways for monetizing your website. But the thing is your website should have traffic.
People should read your content. Then only you can make your website profitable.
You can earn money by displaying ads on your blog.
Creating your own product and selling it to audience in your website is a great way of earning money.
You can also promote others products on your website and they will pay you.
So let’s see these methods in detail.
1. Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an ad service provided by Google. With Google Adsense you can earn money from your online content.
You can sign up for google Adsense for earning money. After that google will place ads on every perfect spaces on your blog.
You will get paid when people see these ad banners. If you have ton of traffic you will earn more and more. Google Adsense is a an easy way for earning money in blogging.
Because you will get money on per impression. And Google pays more than any other ad company.
In blogger, you will have an earnings tab in the dashboard. You can sign up for Adsense there.

Dont sign up to Adsense without any content on your blog. First, you need to get some traffic and good content on your blog.
Then you can think about signing up for Adsense. Otherwise you may get banned from Adsense.
Then you cant use Adsense any more. I am not sure if they will approve you again after getting traffic because you have got banned once.
There are some policies for getting approved by Adsense. Make sure you read those.
If you are already banned by Adsense, you can try some other ways of monitizing your website(mentioned below).
2. Digital Products
Hey, another way of earning money through your blog is by creating Digital product. Digital product are goods that exists in digital form and are sold online.

Personally, this way of earning money is the one i like most.
You have to create an online product and sell it on your website. This way of earning money could only work if you have a ton of traffic on your blog.
Promote your product every where and your product must be worthy for buying. The customer should not feel that your product was not much useful and wasted money.
If you are creating a digital product, make it awesome and useful. Put all your effort in it so that it could bring you income.
A good example for digital product is ebooks. Write about something in your blogs niche and pack everything about it in your ebook. Sell it on your website.
You could make a store page on your website and place your products there. Give a brief description about what the customers will get by reading your ebook.
The people will buy your Ebook if they found it useful.
Online tools are also a great digital product. If you are a developer selling online tools could be a great way of earning money.
Those who are not devoloper can also sell online tools. You can buy it from someone and sell it on your website.
There are websites which sell online tools. You can go to codecanyon and type your niche in the search box.

You could see online tools for sale on your niche. For example you could search online photo editing tool and you can buy one.
3. Affliate Marketing
Another way of earning money is affiliate marketing. If you don’t have a product you can promote others products and earn commission. Affiliate marketing is process of promoting other’s products and earning commission for it.
There are many affliate programs. For getting started join one of them. Join affliate programs related to your niche.
Amazon affiliate

You might have heard about amazon affiliate. If you join in it you can promote products on amazon related to your niche.
For example if your blog is about solar panels you can search for it on amazon and select a good one and promote it on your blog posts.
You could write reviews of solar panels and put links to buy it.
You will get affiliate link of that product that contains your ID and you can place it on your website.
If a person click through your link and buy that product within 24 hours you will get 10 percent commission.
Try to promote good products. Suggest products that you have used or you have knowledge about it.
Dont promote product because of high commission. If you think that product is useful for your audience you can promote it.
If you want people to buy products through your link they must trust you.
Your blog post must be convincing and should contain all information about it.
Other affiliate programs
There are many more affiliate programs. For finding affliate program realated to your niche you can search it on Google.
If you are on blogging niche you can promote hosting. Almost every hosting has affiliate program.
The highest paying affiliate program for hosting is bluehost.
By joining blue host affiliate you can earn from $65 to $125 per sale. You have to make atleast 2 qualified sales to get your first payment.
Quick summary
For starting a free blog you can use blogger. Choose niche in which you are interested and expertise. Not neccessary of being expert on it. You can choose an topic that you are learning or want to learn. Micro niche websites are websites which are very small and focus on very tiny, specific topic. Choose a Title which is related to your niche. Choose your blog domain same as your title. Title should be easy to remember, should not be too lengthy and should make some sense.
If you want to buy domain Namecheap provides domain in very low price on cyber Monday and black friday. You could domain in less than $1.36 (₹100). Create Quality content for your blog. There are many ways for earning money from your blog. Google adsense place ads on your blog and you can earn money from it. You could also sell digital products on your website. Affiliate marketing is process of promoting other’s products and earning commission for it. It is a best way of earning money from your blog.

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Hey! if you haven’t started a blog yet, start one right now ! Provide good content for users and earn money from your passion. And, on which niche you are going to start a free blog ? Are you gonna use affiliate or ad sense on that blog. Let me know in the comments.
Start a free blog and start earning !
FAQ Questions
1. Food
2. Fashion
3. Personal finance
4. Lifestyle
5. Self improvement
These are the top niches which have high search volume. But it is also too competitive.
AdSense earnings dependent on factors such as how much traffic you get, what type of content you provide, where your users are located, how you set up your ads, and so on.
Yes, it is a good way of earning money but it depends upon your product. Promote your product every where. if your product is useful people are gonna buy it. And you should make your customer trust you.
It depends upon sales you generate. If you have high traffic, more people will click through your links. Different affiliate programs pay different amount per sale. Blue host pays $65 to $125 per sale.
You can start a free blog on blogger. Blogger is a free platform provided by Google for creating websites. A free sub domain is given. You can buy custom domain if you want. Your website hosting is free.
Choose a topic in which you are interested or expertised. If you are writing blog on a topic in which you are interested, you will be motivated to keep posting. And another important thing is that the niche shouldn’t be too competitive. In a competitive niche there would be big authoritative websites with lot of backlinks. They will crush you on the Search results.
Awesome article ! i learned a lot. thanks
Nice blog post ! i loved it. It really helped me.
Thank you!!1
Great article ! Thanks tor sharing this information.